Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mercury Rising

I ended up leaving work early on Monday which I do not like to do...however, I was not feeling well at all.  From the time I got home, (about 4:00pm) until 9:30 or so, I slept and by the time I woke up, I felt even worse...I took my temp and had a 99.7, high enough to feel lousy...I took some meds and went back to a terrible night of, tossing and turning.  I 'woke up' around 7 or so and took my temp. again to see that it rose to 100.3...which is where it stayed for the better part of the morning, needless to say causing me to miss more work (again something I do not like to do). I had a brief moment where I started to feel better and so I took my temperature yet again, 98.9.  Still not feeling strong enough to remove myself from my comfy bed or the terrors of daytime tv, I went back to sleep and woke up maybe an hour or so later feeling absolutely terrible yet again.  At this point, I think it is safe to say that I have an unhealthy relationship with my thermometer since I took my temp yet again and had gone back up to 100.4  At this point I figured it was necessary to go to the doctor so I had my roommate drive me down to Cary to squeeze me in at my doctor's office merely minutes before they closed.  I had to see one of the other doctors in the practice who I never met before but I didn't care, I just wanted to get better...Although I knew with a flu, there wasn't much he could do, but he managed to do something alright, completely freak me out about the possibility of having an appendicitis attack!  He said that the area around my appendix was very sensitive and that if it began to cause anymore pain than it already was or if my fever rose, then I should go to the emergency room...This was not an option! I am scheduled to go to NYC and no organ is going to get in the way of that.  What do we need an appendix anyway?  Well, after my doctor visit, you could call me a bit of a hypochondriac because every 30 minutes or so, I would check my stomach to make sure there were no signs of appendicitis that my doctor showed me to check for....and I continued my unhealthy obsession with checking my temperature every hour on the hour...I did get worried when my temperature rose to 101.7, but it went down to 99.6 after some meds and it finally broke today...I still feel awful but I am determined to go back to work tomorrow...I cannot take anymore time off, or any more daytime television for that matter!