Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gotta go back, back, back to school again.

Grad school started for me last Thursday. So far I have had one Econ class and one Career and Management Effectiveness class. So far everything is going well. Mondays are going to be really tough though...of course, they are already hard being right after the weekend, but now my Mondays will consist of getting up at 5:15, being at work from 7-4 and then class from 6:30-9:30 and getting home around 10- LONG DAY!!! At least half way through the semester, my Monday class changes to 6:30-7:30 which won't be quite so bad. This whole schedule is definitely going to take some getting used to though. Yesterday after work, I had to run some errands, then I went to watch my friend's softball game and later met my friend Jess at the gym (at 9:00pm). My time at the gym was spent well...Since I am still battling what seems like the never ending cough, I rode a bike for 50 minutes while reading a book for my Career class, I felt very productive. However, I didn't leave the gym until about 10:30, so by the time I got home, got ready for work and school today, I didn't get to bed until midnight! Needless to say, when my alarm went off at 5:15 this morning, I was less than thrilled...Who am I kidding? I wanted to through my alarm clock out the window.

Despite the schedule, I am actually really excited about my classes and the program. I have already been able to implement some of what I have learned to my job- I suggested an Effective Communications training course since work has been slow and the first training class was yesterday where I was able to provide feedback that I learned in class Monday night. I am looking forward to learning more that will be beneficial to iContact as well as myself as I proceed through the program.

More soon, I'm sure.