Tuesday, April 7, 2009

(Calculus1)2+(5 weeks of 7:30-9:40am daily)2 ≠ Jessica 2

Don't get me wrong, I am extremely excited to be going to NC State for my MBA program...I just still don't understand why I need to suffer through Calculus first. I am almost done with Pre Calculus...May 8th is my last day/final exam not that I am counting the days or anything...11 more actual class periods! I then have to take Calculus I at NCSU as the only calc class offered at Wake Tech this summer is the 10 week summer session from 1-3:30 in the afternoon which I can't do because of work....Instead I get to take the 5 week summer session M-F 7:30-9:40am and then work from 11-8! I really hope getting my MBA is worth it in the end!

Have I mentioned how much I hate Calculus?!?!?!